PIPA Testing
Some information about PIPA testing, what it is and what it means for your bouncy castle.
Can Bouncy Castles be used in rain?
Lots of people ask if Bouncy Castles can be used in the rain...read more!
How long does it take to set up a Bouncy Castle for Hire
We get lots of questions on how long it takes to set up a Bouncy Castle for Hire....
Is Bouncy Castle Hire a Good Business to Start?
Is Bouncy Castle Hire a Good Business to Start? Read more to see our thoughts.
How To Make Sure You Are a Reputable/Safety Conscious Company
How To Make Sure You Are a Reputable/Safety Conscious Company
How to Choose the Right Bouncy Castle
Looking for your first or another bouncy castle to add to your fleet?
Do you need Insurance when hiring out a Bouncy Castle?
This is a commonly asked question by customers!
How much does it cost to buy a Bouncy Castle?
We get asked a lot how much it costs to buy a bouncy castle....read more to see our response.
Height of Bouncy Castle Walls
All users of bouncy castles should not be taller than the inside walls from the bouncy bed and this is for health and safety purposes so every bouncy castle owner should be fully aware of this and also advising customers of this when hiring it out. Generally we advise customers to have a disclaimer highlighting… Continue reading Height of Bouncy Castle Walls
The Importance of Inflatable Safety Testing
Bouncy castles and inflatables need to be safe to use. With incidents having occurred in the past, there are strict regulations for ensuring the safety of inflatables. Any new inflatable should have an initial test to confirm it complies with BS EN 14960. Every 12 months a bouncy castle or inflatable will need to be… Continue reading The Importance of Inflatable Safety Testing
How Heavy is a Bouncy Castle?
We get lots of people asking how heavy a bouncy castle is. This is generally so they have a clearer idea of how the resources they’ll need to transport, set up and dismantle. There is, however, no definitive answer to this, what with sizes, the type of inflatable and so on to consider, but we’re… Continue reading How Heavy is a Bouncy Castle?
How to Start a Bouncy Castle Hire Business
Hiring out bouncy castles can be run alongside your full time job, children, other commitments. It’s really flexible just set up an email account and a professional voicemail (in case you can’t answer calls) and you respond to enquiries as and when you can on your lunch break, in the evenings, when the kids are at school or sleeping.
Top 5 Popular Bouncy Castle Add on Products
When parents are planning a children’s bouncy castle party, there can be questions of what the kids will do when you get them there.